Wow, long time no see. I've been very busy graduating college, moving, and starting a new job. I haven't done much coding outside of work, but it feels good to be back B]. Anyway, this was one of my first real hardware experiences, but I've had this idea for a while. I was gifted a bunch of random components and an arduino board so it was time to bring this to reality.
The idea behind it is that I continuously forget to drink water. Even after setting an alarm, it'll go off, and then I'll say 'oh, let me finish what I'm doing real quick' only to forget right after I finish my task and never actually go do it. This machine will act like an alarm but will only turn off if I prove that I have water. To do this, I have a water sensor attached to an arduino uno:
Out of the components I was given, the only thing that made noise was this buzzer:
So this will have to do. I think it's annoying enough without being too loud to annoy my roommates anyway, which is probably better than a louder alternative. Once the buzzer is going off, and the water sensor is triggered, the buzzer will sleep for an hour before going off again. Here is a video of it in action:
Next steps is probably getting a longer arduino cord and maybe figuring out how to 3D print a home for it. Otherwise, it is confined to only being used when I'm on my laptop and can plug it in, which is less convenient than connecting it to a powerstrip and on my desk.
The code for this was pretty basic, but I haven't touched an arduino since 10th grade, so this was still pretty new to me! Either way, it works, and once I figure out where to set it up: headaches will be gone forever !!!